A New Day in Poultry Cold Chain Logistics at FlexCold-Jacksonville

A New Day in Poultry Cold Chain Logistics at FlexCold-Jacksonville

A conversation with Roy Pepper, Regional General Manager 

Roy Pepper is the Regional General Manager at FlexCold-Jacksonville, Florida.  He is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations, staffing, and delivering on the promise of a uniquely personalized customer experience. He brings over 25 years of distribution and third-party warehouse experience with organizations like Millard, Cloverleaf, and Americold.

The poultry world continues its global upward trajectory. According to the USDA, in 2020, the value of U.S. poultry and poultry product exports to the world reached $4.25 billion.  At the same time, Americans continue to increase chicken consumption; in 1988 the average American ate 56.7 pounds of chicken per year, this year that number is estimated to be 98 pounds.

FlexCold – Jacksonville is well positioned to handle, store, and ship poultry with its highly modern design and innovative technology.  FlexCold goes beyond its building infrastructure to serve its poultry customers by answering the need for a partner who is helping its customers succeed.

Can you share how your experience is helping to shape the FlexCold poultry cold chain offering and work environment?

I have witnessed how technology is greatly enhancing our ability to safely and efficiently handle poultry.  We can freeze product within 36 hours, maintain and track temperature with accuracy, and manage inventory with real-time visibility to data.  Also, our ability to improve the work environment with heated cabs that minimize employee exposure and again, the use of technology provides efficient workflows and greater productivity.  Finally, we are absolute in making sure our team participates in our success and enjoys a positive, family-oriented environment.

How will technology at FlexCold enhance the poultry cold chain?

Temperature control is one of the most important factors in product quality.  From the time the pallet arrives to the time it leaves – our cold environment maximizes freezer time, minimizes pallet handling, and decreases opportunity for temperature breaches.

With our QF+ blast freeze system, pallets will be stored in a single deep environment with air flow restricted to pallet area only.  The system has an adjustable opening behind racks where warm product air is pulled through pallet and into chamber by fans mounted in ceiling area of chamber.  This will allow for quicker freeze times and product availability for customers.

In addition, we will be installing an automated conveyor system which allows the hi-lift operator to place frozen poultry directly into the quick freeze area.  This process will expedite the time to inspection, removal of dividers, and wrapping.  It will also ensure the frozen product is not directed to the dock or any other area where it would lose valuable temperature.

Safe handling and proper storage of poultry is critical to mitigate food borne illnesses.  What are a few processes exclusive to FlexCold?

Dock levelers allow drivers to back trailer into door locations without opening trailer doors.  After positioning trailer against sealed bump pads. This eliminates product from being exposed to warmer outside air temperatures.

We will have 70-foot docks for easy unloading and separating of pallets which should expedite the receiving process by allowing quick access to labels and bar codes for scanning, better visibility of pallets for inspection of damages, and give us the ability to insert dividers quickly.

Our high-density, mobile storage system utilizes a single-deep configuration.  This is important because it provides more efficient airflow around product during storage and allows for one touch in and one touch out handling of product.  This increases productivity, minimizes product damage with less handling, which should help reduce truck turn times.

The close proximity to the Port of Jacksonville (JAXPORT) and its routes the Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and beyond will add to the ability of FlexCold to serve poultry exporters.  Tell us more about JAXPORT.

Our friends at JAXPORT have shared these impressive statistics with us:

  • In 2021, JAXPORT was the No. 4 U.S. seaport for poultry exports by tonnage, handling nearly 180,000 metric tons. In comparison with exports handled three years ago, that tonnage represents an increase of 26 percent.
  • More than 90% of JAXPORT’s poultry export volumes were shipped to destinations throughout the Caribbean last year. Out of that total, the majority of JAXPORT’s poultry exports were shipped to Puerto Rico.
  • In addition to the Caribbean, shippers exported poultry in 2021 from JAXPORT to worldwide destinations, including ports in Asia, Eastern Europe, Central America & South America, Africa and the Middle East.

FlexCold aims to deliver a uniquely personal service experience.  What does that mean?

We are small and nimble.  We bring a unique combination of industry experience with a youthful perspective of a mature business model.  We see value in developing personal relationships with our customers and having the ability to be agile and flexible to meet their needs. The supply chain is fluid and dynamic; we need to respond the same way.

Also, the key word is collaboration.  We are always responding to new developments from our industry partners, our customers who are experts, and our team who will be hearing first-hand customer’s needs and areas of improvement.  Being attentive, responsive, and collaborative will continue to drive our innovative offering.